I took this same photo! Someone in the traffic dept is messing with us. Also, on another note, do you actually know Adam Brown or is that spam? And also, does OPP mean what I and Naughty by Nature think it means? And if so, are you down with it?
Diane's comment just made me laugh. And I'm wondering why Adam didn't leave ME that comment, clearly i am in dire need of money and if it involves using OPP not my own all the better.
stay, no wait go, no stay.....
I took this same photo! Someone in the traffic dept is messing with us.
Also, on another note, do you actually know Adam Brown or is that spam? And also, does OPP mean what I and Naughty by Nature think it means? And if so, are you down with it?
Diane's comment just made me laugh. And I'm wondering why Adam didn't leave ME that comment, clearly i am in dire need of money and if it involves using OPP not my own all the better.
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